Friday 5 March 2010

well today has been BLACK FRIDAY! everything that could go wrong IT wise has done. a mjaor system crash today took down all servers, outlook, basically all windows based applications and havoc has taken over in the office. From analysts flying into the office at 7am this morning after receinving 6am wake up calls to get into the office. just goes to show that IT isn't always as good as people think. when it goes wrong, it really goes wrong and this wasn't just in Oxford this was Global!!!
Anyway from 5pm we have been advised that all is rosey in the world again and now we should be able to gain access to everything. therefore that means doing a little on the assignment. wanted to cover blogs and how they work tonight. they have quite an impact on our business as we embrace web technology in the 21st century. Anyway onwards and upwards.....

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