Friday 5 March 2010

well today has been BLACK FRIDAY! everything that could go wrong IT wise has done. a mjaor system crash today took down all servers, outlook, basically all windows based applications and havoc has taken over in the office. From analysts flying into the office at 7am this morning after receinving 6am wake up calls to get into the office. just goes to show that IT isn't always as good as people think. when it goes wrong, it really goes wrong and this wasn't just in Oxford this was Global!!!
Anyway from 5pm we have been advised that all is rosey in the world again and now we should be able to gain access to everything. therefore that means doing a little on the assignment. wanted to cover blogs and how they work tonight. they have quite an impact on our business as we embrace web technology in the 21st century. Anyway onwards and upwards.....

Thursday 4 March 2010

hurray it actually worked this time and i'm not a studid with blogging as ii thought i was!
starting to get really fed up with this now as its the second time I have sat here and types a posting. have spent most of my week dealing with horrible spreadsheets and setting templates that are idiot free and identify exactly what information our customers need to get their orders processed. trying to teach our publishers is a nightmare and they are the biggest offenders only asking at this stage for templates when we could have helped them with this a long time ago! also spent alot of time this week dealing with spreadsheets on sharepoints. our third parties who process for us needs new quality assurance templates to use as the others ere not beneficial. the new ones alos have formulas that allow me to view efficiency by day, week and by month...yippee at least now I should start to be able to see exactly what they are up to but it still needs a lot of work from my team. anyway diversing again from the task in hand and must continue with the assignment. tinight is sharepoint night...another late night at work again and about 13hours away from home when i finally get back there. how I long for sunny mornings and evenings with no ice and no having to use headlights.... that would be heaven. anyway onwards and upwards.

Monday 1 March 2010

My daughter bless her loves interrupting my afternoons, either at work or at college. The latest info coming through is that she has found a place in Coventry where they can eat as much as they like for £8 and then they are all off to the pictures! Not bad for poor Uni students and I think I want to swap places for a while!!
In the meatime also trying to concentrate on building momento up for 2010 Cancer Research UK Relay for life Witney.
No more distractions, must think assignment...start googling and typing now!!

Well it's been a long time since I have written anything. Probably through fear of doing something wrong because my technical knowledge of blogs is to say the least - limited. I have spent 45 minutes this afternoon sitting through a presentation show and quiz regarding data privacy and security for our company. Quite interesting acutally with somethings that I did know and quite a few things that I didn't. Can actually use some of the information in my report as to why we cannot provide data to third parties, so not really a worthless exercise afterall.

Am now going to spend time googling for information. Have piles of the stuff and how it's all going to fit together is another thing!