Monday 8 February 2010

Have another go....

I am starting to get frustrated now by not seeming to be able to get on by myself. Modern technology may be the way to go but I'm trying hard but appearing to get nowhere fast. I have though been successful to get to upload my corporate logo which for me is a wonder.

tester 2

Lets see if they have appeared!


No idea where things are going.

Here's my logo

I have actually managed with some minimal assistance from Ellen, to upload my compay logo onto my blog! What a surprise I'm actually beginning to use modern technology!!! This is quite frightening bringing myself up into the 21st century. I'm using technology that I have never used before; my daughter would be so proud of me.

Monday 1 February 2010

another day

waiting for another session to begin with great anticipation. still not quite sure what to make of the assignment.